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Jany 23 167.  |  Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. of Education Jany. 23. Retd. granted.  |  Raleigh N. C. Jan. 21^st 1868  Forwards recommended the petition of Jas. E. O. Hara who requests the Bureau to pay monthly rental of $10.^00 for School House in Dudley Orange Co. N. C.

Jany. 23 168  |  Fiske. Rev. F. A. Supt. of Education Jany. 23. Retd. granted  | 
 Raleigh N. C. Jany 21. 1868 Forwards recommended the petitions of Miss Jennie Cromwell who requests the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $10^00 for school building at Enfield Halifax C^o N. C

Jany. 23 169  |  Fiske Rev. F. A. Sup.t of Education Jany 23. Retd. granted  |  Raleigh, N. C. Jany 21 1868 Forwards recommended the petition of William Bryan who requests the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $8^00 for school building in Haywood Chatham C^o. N. C. 

Jany. 24 170  |  Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. of Education Jany 24. Retd granted  |  Raleigh. N. C Jany 16^th/68 Forwards recommend the petition of I[[guess]] P. Weaver who requests the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $10^00 school house, in his neighborhood

Jany. 24 171.  |  Fuller. A. W. Capt. and A. S. A. S. Retd granted Retd not granted Febry. 3' Recd. back-  |  Lexington N. C. Jany 23 Requests authority to hire a horse to attend Courts

Jany. 24. 172  |  Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. Education. Jan. 25^" 68-Ret'd granted- |  Raleigh. N. C. Jan. 24" 68 Refers petition of Nelson O. Kelly & 12 others that the Bureau pay a rent of $8. per mo. for the Freed. school House. in St. Tho^s Dist Chapel Hill. Orange Co. N. C.- 

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Jany 28. 173  |  Foote Jno. M Lieut and S. A. Com^r. Jany. 28. Refd. to G. Merriman. Agt for action  |  Plymouth N. C. Jany 20/68 States that John C. Guther Col requests the aid of the Bureau in collecting the sum of $50^00 from R. K. Bridgers of Tarboro N C for services performed. 

Janny 28. 174  | Fuller, Austin W. Capt & A. S. A Com^r EB. p. 376.400  |  Lexington. NC. Jany 25/68  Calls attention to Col. poor in his Dist. Had several application from parties who were supporting aged and indigent Col. people who were fit subjects for the poor house. directed them to be turned over to the wardens of the poor. reply was that poor house was full of white paupers. [[?]] appropriation was made last year for support of the poor by County Court on account of poverty and yet the county is building a Court House which cannot cost less than $15.000.00. Asks what he has to do with the Colored poor who apply for Assistance. 

Jany 29 175 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Fiske. F. A. Rev. Supt. of Education Filed  |  Raleigh. NC. Jany 28. 1868 Requests transportation from Raleigh to Weldon and Return on Official Business.

Febry 3. 176  |  Fiske F. A. Rev. Supt. of Education Febry. 3. Retd. granted.  |  Raleigh. NC. Jany 31,/68 Forwards recommended the petition of S. S. Murkland who requests the Bureau to assist to the amount of $100^00 in completing school building at Waddels Turn out. 7 miles below Statesville NC. 


Transcription Notes:
"Jno" (for John), not "Ino" M. Foote