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|3 Columned Table]]
|March 7,1868  1*|Allen James Ashboro N.C.  March 7 Ref'd to M.W. Welch for response  May 9 Recd back with report. Filed|Ashboro N.C. Febry. 19, 1868  Writes in reference to his two children Wishes them to be restored to him & their wages due them. They are with a man by the name of Curren and understands that Curren is worth $5000.00|

|April 7. 1868  2*|Atkinson Thomas  April 7. Refd to Rev F.A. Fiske  EB p21 Hiled| Wilmington N.C. Mch 30/68  Requests to have necessary repairs made in school building at Wilmington N.C., also requests rent of a building at Fayettsville for last year amounting to $60.00. Wishes to have a building erected at Fayettsville N.C.|

|May 4  3|Ashley S.S. Asst Supt Education E.B. p.30.|Wilmington N.C. April 27/68 
 Requests transportation for T.C. Sadgnar, Teacher Freedman school from Whitesville N.C. to Wilmington and Return also himself from Wilmington to Raleigh N.C. and return on O 13  Fowd [[Forwarded]] by Allan Rutherford recommend.|

|May 10  4*|Ashley S.S. Asst Supt. of Education Filed|Wilmington N.C. Febry 28/68 Petitions this Bureau for aid to the amount of $500 to complete the building at this Orphan Asylum on Middle Sound to be used for school purposes to building is to be 30x40 ft one story. It is estimated that 100 pupils will attend. Recommended by Rev F.A. Fiske Supt of Education|

|May 9  5*| Ashley S.S. Asst. Supt. of Education Filed| Wilmington N.C. April 21./68.  Writes in reference to his request to Mr Fiske thru Gen'l Miles for an appropriation of $500.00 for a school at this Orphan Asylum.|