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[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| March 4. 1 * | Bolenius A. W. Agent. Complaint Div  March. 4, Ref'd to Comdg. Officer. Goldsboro for. information. Recd. back. and Filed | Baltimore Md. Febry 27-1868  States that Charles Derby late Co F. 2. U.S.T. left receipt for his Army Discharge signed Lyon & Co with him  Thinks he enlisted in the 40th Inft. when last heard from was with Maj Lyman at Smithvills.  Wishes the Duty Officer would send to Gen Howard for his money $222 40/00  No of certificate 361.765.  Also wishes to obtain & send him his discharge |

| March 9' 2. | Black. Jno. D  Agent &C  March 9. Retd to J. W Black. Application will be made to Post-Com'r for this detail of an enlisted man |Goldsboro NC. Mar. 6-1868 Requests authority to hire one. (1) man to act as "Orderly." Wages not to exceed $12 00 per month. |

| March. 11. 3.| Birnie William Agent. Bureau &c E.B. p.2. | Lincolnton NC. Mar. 5-1868  States case of Ann. Fox and 3 Children who are with out shelter. food. &c  Applied to this warden of the poor 'house *Was told the poor house was full of white paupers, and thought he was not obliged to provide for black paupers believing the appropriation by the County Court was only for whites. Stated the question should be decided by Gen'l. Canby. Where this appropriation was made nothing was said about Color. Suggests that an order be sent to Henry Cansler Chairman of County Court stating that no distinction can be made. *for their admission to Poor. House. |

Transcription Notes:
Cansler - Edited: removed [[preprinted]] not required, reformatted table per instructions, please read