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March. 17. 4 | Brown. Geo. H. Clk. Superior Court. Wilkes Co.  March. 17. Retd. This case has been referred to Col. W. B. Royall. |  Wilkesboro. N. C. Mar. 1868 Wishes to be informed if the power is conferred on. Sub. Agents of the Bureau to suspend.. executions issued from the Courts for costs in Criminal prosecutions the cases having been tried since the war.

March. 18. 5 | Boyd.. I.E. Atty at Law. Mch. 18. Refd to M.W. Weld for Actions EB p 11. | Graham, N. C. Mar. 17. 1868  Gives particulars in a case lately tried in which Ellis Fawcett. Cold. is Platff. and Albert Prayther & Geo. Swepson Deft's. the action was brought for deceit & false warranty in sale of a horse. Prayther sold the horse as Agent of Swepson to be sound and to work well. Fawcett gave his note for purchase money and took him home and found he would not work and in a few days died of an old chronic disease. Fawcett brought suit & a verdict was given in his favor against Prather who is worth nothing. and the verdict against him affords him no relief &c. &c.

March. 19  6 * | Bolenius A. W. Aquit in chg. Complaint Div  Filed | Baltimore Md  Mar. 14, 1868  Acknowledges receipt of communication of 10 inst. and encloses discharge papers of Chas Denby late Co F. 2nd U.S.C.T.

Mch. 21  7 | Birnie Wm Agent. &c. E.B. p. 9. | Lincolnton N. C. Mch. 19-1868 States that a colored girl 17 years of age named Harriet is living with D Black. (cold) near. Lincolnton N. C. Said girl is of unsound mind and will became a charge on the Govt.  States that she came from Augusta Ga where it is supposed her Mother. Reno. is living. Requests that enquiries be made to ascertain the whereabouts of the Mother
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April 7.  8 | Black J. D Agent &c. April 7. Refd to Capt. A. W. Fuller. | Goldsboro, N. C. Apr. 3. 1868  Forwards letter of Mrs. Sarah Palmer who states that she is not satisfied with the settlement made between her and a certain James D. Barnes as she is thereby lost all the interest in her money and requests a re-investigation of the matter.

April 10  9 * | Bolenius A. W. Agent Complaint Div  
Filed | Baltimore Md  March 31-1868  States he is informed by Mr. Bristor that $250 00 of Md State bounty due Chas. Denby is in the hands of Clayton Cammon Cashier 1st Nat. Bank at Annapolis Md which can be obtained upon proper application to Mr. Cammon &c.

April 16  10 * | Brewer, Fisk P. Agt. Am. Miss. Association  Filed | Raleigh. N. C. April 14. 1868  Submits a detailed account of Mr. Osborne Hunter's attempt to swindle the Bureau by extravagant charges for repairs on the Washington School House.

11 * | Brooks Geo. W. Judge of Dist Court.  Filed | Elizabeth City NC April 17/68  Gives opinion in regard to the extent to which the Bankrupcy Courts distinguish between the debts of a Bankrupt. due for labor performed in the cultivation of a crop or crops from ordinary debts provable under the Bankrupcy Law.
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