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May 11. 12 * | Bruff C. D.  Qr. Mr. Sergt. 40th Inft.  Filed | Goldsboro, NC May 9,1868  Writes in reference to one Everett Eastmond of Raleigh. who was bound over to the regular term of Court under bail bond for Assault & Battery committed upon his person  States that he appeared to answer the charges but on his ([[Buff's/]]) non-appearance was acquitted. Requests that some steps be taken which would effect his being brought for justice
May 16. 13. | Black. Jno. O. Agent &c May 16  Requis'n for his supply will be made. on Form 40.  Returned. | Goldsboro, N. C. May 15/68  Forwards Requisitions for Stationery with request that the same be approved and the Q. M. ordered to issue the required amount

May 22  14 | Bright. Dinah May 22. Refd. to Capt. A. W. Fuller. | Rocky Mount, N. C. May 19/68  States that her son was bound to one Ben Lawrence of Rocky Mount against her consent, she has demanded the boy of him but he refuses to give him up. Requests that the indenture be cancelled. 
June 1st  15 | Birnie Wm Agent. June 1. Retd There is no authority for compliance with within request | Lincolnton N. C. May 29/68  States that Mrs. Admiral Wilkes asked him if medicine could be got from the Bureau for the freedmen employed by the Admiral  Requests that a box be tho Admiral to contain Castir Oil & Salts.

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June 2  16 | Brown Welles EB. p.47 | Rocky Mount N.C. May 29/68  States that on his return from Goldsboro on business connected with the case of Richmond Staten,(Col) he found him committed to jail to await trial, that he went to see Capt. A.W. Fuller. A S. A Com'r and found him to be a bitter enemy to the colored people, and abusive of the Republican party calling Holden a d-d radical, and any man who voted the radical ticket was a d-d rascal. that the colored people. join in this appeal to have him removed. Recommends that Staten be tried by a Military Commission.    

June 5  17 | Birnie Wm. Agent. June 6. Ref'd. to Bvt. Asst. Comr. at Columbia. S.C. EB p67. | Lincolnton. NC June 2. 1868  States that a number of persons have applied at his office stating that they have been unable to obtain their wages for labor in 1867 in the Augusta & Columbia R. R. Requests that an effort be made to collect the earned through the B. R. F & A L.

June 7  18 * |  Black Jno. D. Agent. Filed | Goldsboro N. C. June. 5th 1868 Returns communications who encloses letter of John Robison a citizen of Goldsboro representing the destitute condition of the Col'd citizens of Goldsboro & assistance absolutely required to prevent starvation.  Encloses letter of Jno Robison explanatory to his letter to Senator Wilson in which he states 


Transcription Notes:
Not supposed to use superscript symbol or "preprinted".