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    |    | that the men referred to are able bodied men, who have started a farm & are unable to carry on the same. in his report of 25" inst. he reported 300 cases for his Sub. Dist. each however able to support themselves by giving up their farms & working for wages

June 17  19 * | Birnie Wm Agent Filed | Lincolnton NC. June 15-1868 States that Mr. E. Wilkes living near Inn Station 7 miles from Lincolnton made application at his Office for 40 or 50 hands. Gives terms &c.

July 3  20 * | Bell S. A. A. A. Surgeon Filed | Salisbury. NC. July 1^st 1868 Request authority to visit Raleigh so he may be able to get the statement of Hospital Fund and have them corrected

July 22  21 * | Bradshaw Geo. Filed. | Larhans N. C. July 21" 1868. States that some malicious persons have reported that he has been drawing lumber from Bureau funds for his School building.

July 25 22. | Birnie W^m Agent. 25 July "68- Ref to Asst. Com. S. C. Aug 12^th 68. Returned with 24.^13/100 enclosed. 20^th Aug. returned to W^m Birnie Agt with 24^13/100 enclosed the amt of [[a/c/]] of Perry Causler.  |  Lincolnton. N. C. July 10" 1868. Forwards receipted bill of Perry Causler for $24.13 due him by Columbia & Augustia R. R. Co. The same having been requested by Maj. W. J. Harkisheimer in endorsement of June 27' ulto.

August 6^th 23. * | Birnie. W^m. agent. Filed. | Lincolnton N.C. August 4" 1868. Requests that inquiry be made of Maj. W. J. Harkisheimer, Agt. at Columbia S.C. as to what action has been taken to collect from the Col. & Augusta R. R. $24.13 due Perry Cansler pd for labor.
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August 6th  24. | Bell S. A. Act. Asst. Surgn. E. B. page. 76.  |  [[Saulsbury?]] N.C. July 30^th 1868.  Reports to Bvt. Maj. J W. Williams Surg^n in Chief that William A. Cutler, Agent, Bureau R. F & A L. has been notified to vacate the Quarters of the Surg'n in Charge of the Freedmens Genl. Hospital, Salisbury N.C. but refuses to do so, on the ground that he has authority from the Chief Qr. Mas. of N.C. to occupy the same.  Referred Aug. 5^th to this Hd. Qrs. with the request that Bvt. Lt. Col. T.P. Johnson inform that Office his authority for thus assigning the quarters of the Surgeon in  charge to the Agt-&c.

August 7" 25  |  Bagley William H. Aug. 7th 1868. forwarded to Maj. Genl Howard. Com'r (Off. Chf Q. M.) with recommendation that transportation be granted. | Raleigh N. C. August. 4th 1868. Requests that transportation be furnished Wincee Worth from Nantuckett Mass. to High Point in this State.  States that she has friends in this State able & willing to take care of her.  Is a "Refugee" with other particulars regarding the case, etc.

Aug. 22nd 26 | Bates L.F. Agt. Southern Ex. Co. Aug. 22nd forwded. to Maj. Genl. Howard's Office of Chief Q. M. with the recommendation that the transportation be furnished. | Raleigh N.C. July 29th 1868. Makes application for transportation for a colored woman named Sallie Williams from Uniontown Ala. to Raleigh. N.C. Says that she was sold into slavery about 15 years ago, from Raleigh & cannot earn money to get back, has Mother Brother & Sisters, who can take care of her in Raleigh.

Aug 26th  27. | Brown J. M Bvt. Maj. & D.O. Dist. of Columbia Aug. 26 transmitted. | Washington D. C. Aug 24th 1868. Forwards by direction of Bvt. Brig. Genl. H. M. Whittelsey Chf. Q.M. to Capt. Rosekrans Agent. Invoices & Receipts for 3,000 Bus. Corn purchassed by Chf. Q.M. & Shipped to his address July 29" 1868.