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March 2 1 *  |  Chapin A B  A.A.Surg. U.S.A Filed  |  Raleigh. NC Mar 2/68 Requests leave of absence for. 6 days to visit his farm in Chatham C^o N.C

March 5 2 *  |  Cutler. W^m A Agent. B. R. F.& 
A L Filed  |  Salisbury. NC Febry 28/68 Forwards Special Requisitions for clothing needed for issue in the Hospital. [[Gives?]] reasons & C

March 5 3  |  Cutler, W^m A Agent B. R. F.& A. L. Mar. 5. Refd to Rev. F. A. Fiske. E. B. p.3  |  Salisbury NC Mar. 4. 1868 Forwards letter of David Williams and Others who petition for assistance in rebuilding Church

March 6 4  |  Coats A. Lieut Asst. Sub. Asst. Com. Mar. 6. For^d to Gen^l Howard. Approved  |  New Bern, NC Mar. 5-1868 Transmits Special Requisition for Stationery

March 11 5  |  Cutler, W^m A. Agent B. R. F. & A. L. Mar. 11. For^d to Gen^l Howard. Approved E. B. p 9  |  Salisbury, N.C. Febry 10 Forwards Special Requisition for Stationery

March 16 6  |  Carle. James Agent. Mar. 16 Ref^d to Col. W B Royall. |  Wilkesboro, NC Mar.11^th 1868 States that indictment for Petit Larcency was instituted against W^m Shipwash. He was bailed to appear for trial by Superior Court. of Wilkes C^o but the court could or did not convene on account of a Union Cavalry raid. He was forced into the Rebel ranks & not tried till after the war, when he was tried convicted and sentenced to be whipped. Certain parties to [[save?]] the punishment. offered to stand security for the trial provided the cost did not exceed $25^00.  This was accepted, but the cost was made up from the beginning of the case, during the war, and amounted to $140^00, about $45^00 has been paid by Shipwash,the balance the