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[[no entry]] | [[no entry]] | Sheriff is to collect from those who were to pay for the proceedings at $25^00 one of this said party make complaint & case suspended till more authority is received.  Affidavit of H. [[?]]  enclosed
March 17. 7 | Chicard L.U. March 17. Refd. to Jas. Carle Agent | Patterson. N.C. March 12-/68 States the destitution condition of his county and if aid is not given a number will perish.. Refers to Capt. Lawrence and C. C. Jones. 

Mach. 18. 8 * | Chapin. A. B. A. A. Surg Filed | Raleigh. NC. Mch 16-/68 Requests transportation for Edmond Patterson from Raleigh to U. S. General Hospital at Salisbury NC Forwarded by Dr. W. C. Vogell. Agent.

March. 23 9 | Curreu, J. F. Agent &c. Mch. 23 Refd. to Bvt. Lt. Col. Johnston April 25 Recd back. & Posted to Jas. Curren for compliance with provisions of enclosed circular | Magnolia N.C. Mch. 18-68 Encloses requisitions for approval of Asst. Govn^r by order of Govn^r at Washington covering stationery need in office in the month of Feb. 1868 in excess of allowance in manual.

March. 25 10 | Curreu. J. F. Agent &c. Mch. 25. Refd to Capt. Allen Rutherford EBp22 | Morganton N.C. Mch 23/68 Complaint entered against Liot. Graham, Alias. Lit. Williams for deserting wife (about to be confined) and 2 children suffering for subsistance Said Graham alias Williams (Freed) is now receiving one dollar per diem at Taylor's Mills Wilmington NC. Complainant desires Williams to be caused to assist said family

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March 25 11 | Curreu J. F. Agent etc Mch 25. Refd. to Col. Thos. P. Johnston | Magnolia NC. Mch. 22-1868 Writes relating to vouchers & return of Dec../67 lost in transmission

March 26 12 | Carle. James Agent. etc. E.B.p.10 | Wilkesboro. N.C. Mch. 21-1868 States that there are numbers of illicit distilleries in the vicinity and throughout the mountains and that great suffering will ensue if they are not suppressed.  Recommends that prompt measures be taken to suppress them

April 4 13 * | Coats Andrew Lt. & A. S. A. Com^r Filed | New Bern. N.C. Apr 21/68 Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of Dorset Carter

April 8. 14 * | Coats Andres Lt. & A. S. A. Com^r Filed | New Bern NC. Apr. 6/68 Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of Adolphus Redding. 36 Regt. U. S. C. T. Paul Watts Co. H. " " " " " " Eli [[Warriner?]] "  " " " " " " "

April 10 15 * | Columbia Dist of Eldridge Stuart. A A A G Filed | Washington D.C April 8^th/68 Acknowledges receipt of letter dated 4^th inst and states that Maj Vanderlyl is still on duty as Sub. Asst Com^r at Annapolis Md

April 11 16 | Curreu. J. F Agent etc April 11. Retd. Rations can be furnished upon your requisition for gratuitous distribution | Magnolia NC. April 9. 1868 Communication ni relation to the destitute free people of Duplin Co seeking aid through the Bureau.

April 11 17 | Coats Andrew Lt. A S. A Com^r. April 11. Retd. Without this is necessity or you desire it no officer will be sent | New Bern N.C. April 9. 1868 States he had an operation performed on his leg which will probably confine to bed for two or three weeks. Gives this information so that if necessary an officer may be appointed to fill his
