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1 | [[blank]] | his place until he is fit for business 

April 11. 18. | Carle James Agent. EB.p. 18  |   Wilkesboro, N. C. April ., 1868 Enquires whether circular N^o. 19 Hd Qrs. Asst. Com^r. N. C. dated Oct. 10/67 is to be construed authorizing Agent to take cognizance of & investigate cases of litigation between parties of the same color white or black.

April 13. 19  |  Caulwell Edward Atty at Law- EBp 18.28.  |  Oxford, N. C. April 9. 1868 Prays for a new trial in the case of Jno Harris. v.s. same J. W. Smith decided March 30. at Henderson Office. B. R. F. & A. L. Also the property &c exempted from execution under Gen. Order. N^o 10 may be laid off by the Sheriff of Granville to him. Sale to take place the 14^th & sheriff thinks the Gen. Order N^o 10 not applicable in this case.

April 14. 20 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats Andrew. Lieut A. S. A. Com^r Filed  |  New Bern. N. C. April 10/68 Acknowledges receipt of letter of 8" inst  enclosing discharges of the folling- W^m Ellick Corp Co [[P? I? J?]] 37^" U S. C T.
W. Hall, Pvt. " " " " " " " [[ditto marks for "Co [[?]] 37" U S. C T.

April 15 21 [[asterisk stamp]] |  Coats Andrew. Lieut. A. S. A. Com^r Filed  |  New Bern. N. C. April 13/68 Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of the following named men.
[[L? S?]] T King C^o K 37" U S. C. T
John [[Waho of Maho?]] " " " " " " " [[ditto marks for "C^o K 37" US.C.T"]]
Dan^l Oats " " " " " " " [[ditto marks for "C^o K 37" U S. C. T"]]

April 22 22  |  Cooper Porter & Others
Rocky Mount. April 22 Refd to Capt A W. 
Fuller. that no provisions are made for loans of this nature  |  Rocky Mount N. C. April [[14 or 17?]]/68 States they are working on farms of P.  Evans & are in need of Bacon e&c saying that without it they will be unable to carry on their work.

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Apr. 23^rd 23-  |  Carle, James. Agent Bu &c. 23^rd Apr. Referred to Rev. F. A. Fiske. for remarks.  |  Wilksboro N. C. Apr. 18" 1868. In reference to communication of Alfred Stokes (Cold) to the Commissioner dated Jan 23" ult. asking appropriation of $550. to assist in purchase of School building at Wilksboro, referred to him for report, states that after diligent research he has come to the conclusion that the building should be purchased. Recommends that the sum named be appropriated.

April 23. 24 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Coats Andrew Bvt. Maj In chg of Claim  [[P. O. or D. O?]] Filed  |  New Bern. NC April 20. 1868 Acknowledges receipt of letter dated 8" enclosing discharge of the following named men
N. Payden Pvt C^o. A 35. U S. C. T.
T. Godfrey " " " " " " " " [[ditto marks for "Pvt. C^o. A 35. U S. C. T."]]

April 28. 25 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Carle, James Agent. Filed  |  Wilkesboro N. C. April 18./68 Forwards his Return of Stores appertaining to the Bureau for the month ending Febry 29. 1868. Gives reasons for its delay & also for the Month of March.

May 5 26  |  Curren  Jas F. Agent EBp [[30 or 35?]]  |  Magnolia NC April 27/68 States that he forwarded a requisition for Corn & Bacon to the A.' C.' A.' at Wilmington NC. on the 17 inst  Approved by Gen^l. Miles. Asst Com^r NC. Requests that it be filled as the Freed people are suffering to some extent especially in Swamp's Farms &c.