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May 7 27  |  Cutler W^m A Agent H EBp35  |  Salisbury, NC May 5/68 Makes report relative to the proposed Branch of Freedmen Savings & Trust. C^o to be established at Salisbury.  For amount subscribed refers enclosed list of names with amounts attacked. Wishes to be furnished with all information.

May 8 28 *  |  Crawford, J. H. May 8. Ref^d to St. Frank. Page. May 12. Recd. back. Filed  |  Henderson NC May 4 1868 Calls attention to the suffering whites and blacks who voted for the Constitution.  Their employers have become enraged at them for so doing and will not give them work nor rations [[etc etc?]]

May 11 29 *  |  Carle, James Agent. Filed  |  Wilkesboro, NC. April 28-/68
Reports relative to destitution in his [[security?]] and is obliged to represent the condition of the poor as growing seriously worse, and as being much enhanced by men both (white & Black) having committed the offence of refusing to vote contrary to their convictions of right in the last election.

May 13 30 *  |  Carle, James Agent. Filed  |  Wilkesboro, NC. April 27, /68 Applies for a small amount of funds (if any remain for such distribution) to contribute to the relief of those found in distress