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June 12th 43 * | Wm A. Cutler Agt. etc. 13" June, Ret. for information as to the nearest R.R. Station to Newton. N.C. June 17. Recd. back Filed | Salisbury N.C. June 11" 1868 Forwards com. of A. A. Surg. S. A. Bell. who requests transportation for discharged patients from Hospital to their respective homes, as designated within.

June 11 44 * | Carle, James Agent. Filed | Wilksboro, NC. June 1, 1868 Reports that he expects to have all the corn he is authorized to purchase in a few days.  Reports are commig in that Caldwell C^o is in a very critical condition.  States it is necessary to have some person at Lenoir to operate under directions from Bureau.

June 15 45 * | Carle, James. Agent. Filed | Wilksboro. NC. June 4,/68 Forwards letter of R. B. Bogle et. al who represent destitution as alarming if not. met. promptly. suffering if not. actual starvation must. eventuate.  Even with means to purchase the material cannot be had.  Aid of the Bureau is necessary.  Estimate amount of destitution. 900. Children & 300. Adults No funds in the C^o Treasury Suggests that a reliable person acquainted wi Caldwell C^o be designated to take charge of the matter there. at least. so far as to be authorized to purchase & distribute & states it is impossible to provide for Wilkes C^o alone by the operation of single individual at this crisis & make the best use of means with attention elsewhere.

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June. 17 46 | Cutler. Wm A. Agent. June. 17. For^d Gen. Howard. Approved. " 25. Approved. Recd. back. Filed | Salisbury, NC. June. 16. 1868 Requests that the Bureau furnish transportation for Miss Burnette A. Brown from her home in St. Albans Vermont. to Salisbury, NC. where she is engaged to take charge of Freedmen's school.

June. 18 47 | Chapin, A. B. A. A. Surg. June 18. Refd. to Maj. J. W. Williams | Raleigh, NC. June. 16. 1868 States that he has under his charge no building in which to accommodate any person needing medical treatment. Forw^d by Dr. H. C. Vogell who recommends that Dr. Chapin be authorized to take one of the Hospital buildings

June 19 48 | Curren, J. F. Agent June 19. Transmitted to J. F. Curren. | Magnolia. NC. June 16. 1868 Forwarded requisition for stationery May 30-1868 to Hd.Qs Asst. Com^r NC Has not received said stationery & would feel obliged to Col. Johnston if he would inform him whether the requisition has reached his office.  Has no stationery on hand at present.  Ret'd by Col. Johnston.  The requisition within referred to has not been received at this office.

June 20 49 | Cutler W^m A. Agent. June 20. Retd. with the required [[indenture?]] for cancellation | Salisbury, NC. June 18-1868 Requests the transmission of the indenture of an orphan named George to O. H. Spencer of Davie C^o NC. for cancellation.  The indenture was made between Bvt. Col. C. A. Cilley & the said O. H. Spencer.  

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