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June 22  50 | Curren James. F Agent &c  June 22. Refd to Rev. F.A. Fiske June 30. Recd. back. & Ret'd to Jas. F. Curren. EB p69 | Magnolia N.C. June 18. 1868  Requests authority to hire a building ing at Magnolia NC. in which to establish a school for Freedmen monthly rent not to exceed $10.00

June. 22.  51 | Curren. J.F. Agent. &c.  June 22. Retd. It was returned as this amt was considered too large & should be reduced. | Magnolia NC. June 18th. 1868  States he forwarded Requisitions for Stationery to Hd Qrs. Asst. Com & has received no Stationery up to date. His supply is exhausted and wishes to be informed if the Requisition was not received.

June 25.  52 | Cutler Wm A. Agent. EB p62 | Salisbury. NC. June 22d. 1868 Reports that Ellen Layman complains that one Henry Layman has in his possession her child, Susan Ann without her consent or permission. Has heard she is badly treated. Would advise the immediate return of the child to her mother at the expense of Mr Layman

June 25  53 | Carle James Agent June 25. Refd. to. Col. Johnston EB p62 | Wilkesboro. N.C. June 19. 1868  Forwards herewith invoice from J.F. Allison of property pertaining to the Bureau which he had taken up on Abstract H. Form 30.

June 25  54 * | Chapin A.B. A A Surg  Filed. granted | Raleigh, NC. June 23 1868  Requests that transportation be furnished Trinity Morgan to US. Gen Hospital at Salisbury as she cannot get proper treatment in Raleigh. Forwd. by Maj J.W. Williams Surg in Chief

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June 29  55. | Curren Jas. F. Agent. June. 29. Retd - granted | Magnolia NC. June 27. 1868 Makes application for leave to visit Raleigh from 2nd to July 5th on private business.

July 3.  56 | Cutler Wm. A. Agent July 3. Ret'd. for information as to what county this indenture was made. July. 8 Recd. back. Rowan Co. Ret'd with Indenture. | Salisbury. NC. June 27. 1868  Requests that the Indenture of an Orphan named John Augustus be remitted to him for cancellation as he has violated his contract & is supporting himself by his own labor.

July 20  57 * | Cutler Wm A. Agent. E.B. p72  25. July - recd back - approved to amt of $100. See L.S. 927. 1868. | Salisbury July 10" 1868.
[[image]] drawing of pointed finger pointing (with a word ([[correct?]]) in parenthesis) to ink blot [[/image]] Asks for authority to contract for the erection of suitable "head boards" and construction of fence at the Freedmens Cemetery at General Hosp. Salisbury N.C.

August 11th  58 | Columbia Dist. of, J.V.W. Vanderburgh. Local Supt. Aug 11" 1868. Refd. to Lt. C.H. Dodge U.S.A.C for rept. as reqd. by Bureau Hd Qrs. E  EB. p.100. | Washington City, D.C. Aug. 6th 1868.
Forwards through Bureau Hd. Qrs. (Off. Chf. Qr. Mas.) request for trans. for Marie [[Marden?]] destitute Freedmen from Washington D.C. to Edenton, Chowan Co. N.C. A home having been provided for her there.

August 12th  59 | Cutler William A. Agent. &c. Aug 12th Returned Endorsed: "Ex Officers will only be paid as usual unless reappointed and none have yet been made. | Salisbury N.C. August 7th 1868. 
Forwards his pay account for the month of July 1868, for approval &c, as Major of Cavalry.

August 12th  60 | Curren J.F. Agent &c. Aug. 12th 1868. Refd to Dr H.C. Vogell. | Magnolia N.C. August 10th 1868.  States that he was informed by Dr. Vogell, Supt. of Education that he is authorized to spend $10.00 per month for rent of School Building. States that he has received no money or vouchers for signature and now asks the authorized assistance.