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| Nov. 16th 83. * | Cutter Wm. A. Agent. Filed. | Salisbury N.C. Nov, 13" 1868. States that there are no rations in the Hospital for the patients & that none has been received this month &c. Says that the Patients will suffer unless they are received immediately. |

| Nov. 23rd  84 * | Chapen A. B. Surgeon Filed | Salisbury N.C. Nov. 21st 1868.  States that he has sent through the office of the Surgeon in Chief a request that the contract of Ast. Hospital Steward, O. L. Cole be annuled on the 1st of Dec. his services being no longer required after that date. |

| Nov. 24" 85 * | Chapin A. B. A.A. Surg'n U.S.A. Filed. | Salisbury  N.C Nov 23d 1868. | States that the 4 Patients-belonging to Charlotte, for which transportation was sent him was discharged.  Those from Raleigh will be discharged, leaving but 19 in Hospital. |

| Nov. 28th  86. | Carle James Agent &c. Nov 28th 68 returned-Granted. | Wilkesboro N.C. Nov 25th 1868.  Asks permission to visit Statesville N.C. for the purpose of attending to Conferences of the M.E. Church. to be held at that place to commence Dec. 2nd 1868. |

| Nov. 25 87 * | Chapin A. B. Surgeon, Filed | Salisbury N.C. Nov. 23d 1868. States that in view of the closing of the Hospital of that place the service of Hospital Steward O. L. Cole will be no longer required. Requests that his contract be annulled to date from Dec. 1st 1868. |

| Nov 28" 88 * | Carle James Agent. Filed. | Wilkesboro N.C. Nov. 25th 1868. Requests authority to purchase Wood for the month of Dec. 68 etc. |

| Nov. 27. 89. * | Cutter Wm. A. Bureau Officer. Filed. | Salisbury N.C. Nov. 25th 1868. States that no liability has been incurred by the "Freedmens Saving and Trust Co. Bank" of that City. Has attended to the other matter mentioned in letter of the 23d inst. &c |

| Nov 28th. 90 * | Carle James Agent &c. Filed | Wilkesboro N.C. Nov. 25th 1868. Inquiring as to the import of Circular No 6 from the War Department Bureau &c. of July 17" 1868. promulgating the act of Congress to continue the Bureau until July 16th 1868. |

| Nov. 28th 91 * | Coats Andrew Agent. Filed. | New Berne N.C. Nov 26" 1868. States that he has been summoned to attend the US. Circuit Court to be held in Raleigh on the 30th inst. Care of Peter Laundry for attempting to obtain the U.S. Bounty unlawfully. |

| Dec. 5th 92 | Carle James Agent &c. Dec. 5th returned. The wood expended should be accompanied by a requisition & himself & Voucher Wilkesboro, N.C.  Dec. 2nd 1868. Sends No. 42. for wood expended in the public service while on duty as Agent Bureau R. Fre. for month of November 1868. |

| Dec 10th 93 | Curren Joseph F. Bureau Officer. Dec. 18th refd to Dr. H. C. Vogell. Dept. of Education | Magnolia N.C. Dec. 8" 1868. Requests Authority to rent a School Room at Kenansville N.C. at 800.00 per mo. at the expense of the Bureau. |

| Dec. 19th. 94 | Curren Joseph F. Bureau Officer. Dec. 19th refd. to Col Johnston - D.C. - If the requisition has been recd, it can be filled &c. | Magnolia N.C. Dec. 17" 1868. States that he forwarded requisition for Stationary for Dec. 1868 on the 2nd inst. and that the Stationary has not been received. As needed for office use. |

| Dec. 21st. 95. | Curren Joseph F. Bureau Officer. Dec. 21st returned to Capt. Curren. The records & books of this office will be invoiced to Bvt Lt. Col. Thos. P. Johnston | Magnolia N.C. Dec. 4 1868. Transmits Voucher of Expenditure for Approval of the Asst. Commissioner. |

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