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April 27 14 | Doherty W^m H
Agent &C
April 27. Refd. to Col. Johnston | Elizabeth City NC April 23/68 Refers vouchers for stores used in his Office for month of Febry 1868.  Returned for corrections by Chf V. M. Request that they be for^d to him

April 27 15 * | Doherty W^m H 
Agent. &C
Filed | Elizabeth City NC. Apil 19. 1868 Transmits statement of Coroner of Camden C^o of the facts as far as are now known of the murder of a col'd. man on 15^th April

April 29 16 * | Doherty. W^m H.
Agent. &C
Filed | Elizabeth City N.C. Apil 26/68 States in reply to communication of 21 that the claim of Lucinda Hatch Mother of John Hatch late Pvt C^o G 35^th Regt. US.CF. is allowed. and in the hands of CD.O. for remittance to claimant. "that" the claim was not forwarded from his Office or by Claim Agent of that place nor is the claimant known by anyone in Elizabeth City

April 29 17 | Doherty W^m H. 
Agent. &C.
April 29. Forw^d to Gen Howard. recommended. | Elizabeth City NC April 25/68 Acknowledges receipt of discharges of the following named men whose claims are allowed. and in the hands of the C.D.O. for remittance to them
H. Deale C^o J. 35^th U.S.C F.
H. Banks  "  B   "    " " " "
J. Whidby "  D   "    " " " "
D. Baxter "  D   "    " " " "
S. Newby  "  F   "    " " " "
Requests to have their vouchers. and checks forwarded to them through his Office

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April 28 18 | Dillon Richd Bvt. Maj
A.S.A. Com^r
April 30. Ref^d to Rev. F. A. Fiske May 25
Recd. back recommended. Ret'd granted  |  
Fayettsville. NC. April 25. 1868 States that the Col'd people of Manchester Cumberland C^o petition through him that the Bureau rent from them their Church to be used as a School House at $10^00 per month to enable them to hire a Teacher.

May 8 19 | Doherty W^m H.
Agent &C.
EBp.36 | Elizabeth City NC. May 3. 1868 Transmits Requisition for an extra supply of Stationery for the Quarter ending June 30. 1868.

May 8 20 | Dillon Richard Bvt. Maj 
A.S.A. Com^r
May 8. Trans. to Capt. A Rutherford 
July 2. Red^d back. He cannot compel McNeils 
attendance. Retd to Maj Dillon | Fayettsville NC May 6/68 Encloses bill of Judy Wilson against Thomas M^cNeil for collection.  He is able to pay her if he chooses. to and resides at. [[Lilling?]] in New Hanover. Co^o NC. States she is very poor.

May 9 21 * | Davies W^m J. Lt
A.A.V.W. & A.C.S.
Filed | Fort. Wilkins Mich April 17./68 Acknowledges receipt of S. O. N^o 40 directing him to report to Asst. Gen^r of N.C. and states he will comply with it's requirements at the earliest possible moment.

May 11 22 | Dodge, C. W. Lieut
May 11 Refd. to Rev. F. A. Fiske June 4. Recd. back. Recommending a monthly rental of $15^00
Retd. granted | Edenton NC. May 9. 1868 Forwards herewith a petition of the Colored Citizens of Hertford Perquimans C^o NC for assistance in establishing a day school at that place.

May 11. 23 * | Dodge C.W. Lieut
A.S.A Com^r
[[Su.8. Co.N:46.C.S.?]] Filed | Edenton NC May 8. 1868 Forwards. petition of E. R. Dodge. Clerk. who requests leave of absence for 30 days to go to New Britain Conn. on account of ill health.

Transcription Notes:
Table done incorrectly.