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May 11. 24 | Dodge. C. W. Lieut
A.S.A Com^r
EBp.38 | Edenton NC. May 8-1868 Rhoda White. Col'd. states that her two boys named. David & Louis. were apprenticed by Lt. A. G. Tennant to Andrew White against her will.  Requests that the indentures be cancelled

May 15 25 * | Doherty W^m H
Filed | Elizabeth City NC May 11/68 Acknowledges receipt of communication of 23^rd enclosing Blank Book of Freedmen's Saving's Bank at Raleigh in [[ap^c?]] with Christopher Columbus &c.

May 18. 26 | Doherty W^m H
May 18. Refd to Col Johnston Chf. Q.M. | Elizabeth City NC. May 14/68 Transmits requisition for Stationery for public services in his Office to be invoiced to him.

May 18, 24 | Dillon Richard Capt.
Asst. Sub. Asst. Com^r
EBp.41 | Fayettville NC. May 8/68 Forwards letter of Allen Inmon who states that Alex Inmon col'd an apprentice of his has ran away. and is now in Fayettville NC. Wishes assistance to get him back. Encloses indenture in which Alex. and his brother were bound to him. also statement of Chloe Powell the grandmother of the Children. Recommends that the indentures be cancelled.

May 20. 28 | Dunn, Chas E.
Knoxville Tenn.
May 20 Ref^d Col. Johnston. May 25
Recd. back. has no intimation of the necessity of purchasing from 3 to 5000 Bu. Corn. Ret'd to Chas. E. Dunn | Knoxville Tenn. May 13/68 Requests that he be informed what the Bureau will give for from 3 to 5000 Bu of Corn. delivered at Raleigh N.C.

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May 21 29 | Dillon Richard. Bvt. Maj
A.S.A. Com^r
May 21. Ret'd. The Asst. Com. has no authority to warrant the employing of Surgeons. EAB.p66 | Fayettville NC. May. 1868 Reports that there are a large number of Destitute Freedmen in his Sub. Dist. who need medical attendance.  Recommends that Dr. Chas. W. Woods be appointed A. A. Surg. U.S.A. for duty in Bureau at a salary of $50^00 per month.

May 22. 30 | Doherty W^m H.
May 22. Forwd. to Gen Howard. | Elizabeth City May. 18, 1868 Acknowledges receipt of Vouchers of of the within named men with discharge papers whose claims were forwarded through Claim Agent. at. Elizabeth City NC.

May 22 31 | Dodge C. W. Lt.
A S. A Com^r
May 22. Retd. Disapproved. | Edenton NC. May 20, 1868. Request leave of absence for Thirty days to go to Mt. Vernon New Hampshire on important business

May 22 32 | Dillers Richard Bvt. Maj
A.S.A. Com^r
EBp.45 | Fayettsville NC May 28/68 Forwards letter of Henry Bowie Freed. who complains that his former Master John. Bowie holds a mule of his that he picked up in the [[rear?]] of Gen. Sherman's Army, and now refuses to give it up

June 3 33 | Doherty W^m H.
June 3. Fow^d to EB. French [[2^nd?]] Auditor | Elizabeth City NC May 30/68 Returns claim of James Eddy who claim was disallowed & reported adversely there being $100 due the US. Govt. & with the information that the within named James Eddy who has visited his Office in quest of more Arrears of Bounty.  He is unable to repay anything he has received by mistake from the Govt. as he is poor & needy & without property.

Transcription Notes:
Table done incorrectly.