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Sept 12th
72 |
Dillon Richard
E.B.p.98 |
Fayetteville N.C. Aug 25th 1868
Reports that he has received an appointment from His Excellency Gov. Holden as magistrate of Cumberland Co, Dated Aug 18th 1868, and requests instructions relative to the same.  If his appointment for Cumberland will justify him in taking cognizance in Harnet & Moore Cos &c.

Sept. 18th
73 |
Doherty Wm H.
Sept 18" Refd. to Col. T.P. Johnson Chf.Q.M. 24th Sept returned to Capt. Doherty agt. with vouchers required. |
Elizabeth City N.C. Sept 13th 1868.
Forwards communications of War Department H.M. Whittlesey Bvt. Brig Genl & Chf. Q.M. of Sept. 10th 1868, acknowledging receipt of Property - return - for July 1868. "Has been examined &c &c. Calls attention to the following remarks viz: Abstract "L" not supported by vouchers Form 62 Receipt Roll required." The within named vouchers were sent to Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr NC, Aug 6th 1868. Asks that they may be returned &c. that they may comply with the above remarks.

Sept 21st
74. |
Doherty Wm. H. 
Sept. 21st Returned to Doherty agt. with papers required |
Elizabeth City, N.C. September 9th, 1868 Forwards, communication of War Department.  Whittlesey Chief Q. Ms. of September 3rd, 1868 acknowledging receipt of property return for May 1868 and stating that the vouchers 62 & 63 for Stores reported is on hand" has not been received".  The required Form 62+63 for April 1868 was forwarded to Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. N.C. and, requesting any information of them that may be furnished, 

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Sept 21st
75 |
Doherty Wm. H. 
Sept. 21st Returned with vouchers required |
Elizabeth City, N.C., September 21st 1868.  Forwards communication of War Department, Whittlesey Chief Q.M of Sept 10th 1868.  Acknowledging receipt of Property Return for June 1868, and requiring certain vouchers.  The vouchers required viz Receipt Roll (Form 62) was forwarded to Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. N.C. July 8th, 1868.  Requests any information that can be surmised and whether the same may be on file that he may comply with the above request.

Sept. 23rd 
76 | 
Dewey C.
Raleigh Nat. Bank.
E.B.p.97 |
Raleigh, N.C. Sept 23rd 1868. 
Transmits vouchers for rent of Office and Fixures in Bank Building for the "Freedmans Saving Bank. from March 1st to September 1st 1868. incl, at $500 per anum.

Aug. 27th 
77. * |
Dixon Joseph
Hookertown, N.C. Aug 29th 1868.
Acknowledges the receipt of 200 bushels of Corn and 6. Bbls. of Pork, for distribution to the poor of Green Co. Says that the supply of corn will be sufficient but that more Pork will be needed before long.

Sept. 3rd 
78 * |
Dillon Richard
A.S.A.C. |
Fayetteville, N.C., September 1st, 1868.
Requests authority to purchase monthly forage for one private house to be used in the discharge of his official duties in accordance with circular from War Department of July 17th 1868.

Sept. 28th 
79. * |
Doherty Wm. H.
Filed |
Elizabeth City, N.C., September 24th, 1868
Encloses Report Book No. 17 of the National Freedmans Saving & Trust Co. Branch of Raleigh in a/c with Christopher Columbus and an order of draft for $35.00