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Oct.16th 90* |
Dillon Richard
Agent [[??]]
Filed |
Fayetteville NC. Oct.14th 1868
States in reply to communication of the 13th inst. that there are no buildings, owned by the Government at that place suitable for the accommodation of troops +c.|

Oct.16th 91* |
Dillon Richard
Bureau Officer
Filed |
Fayetteville N.C. Oct.14th 1868
Recommends that "troops which are to be sent there Fayetteville take transportation in [[??]]." [[??]] of Steam [[??]], from Willmington, +c.|

Oct. 20th 92* |
Dixon George
Asst. Supt. of Education
Filed. |
Danville, Va. Oct. 19th, 1868.
Ask transportation from Danville to Greensboro + from Greensboro to Goldsboro in return to Danville for the purpose of visiting the Colored Schools at those places.|

Oct. 20th 93* |
Durfee Benjamine
Clerk + Treas.
Filed |
Wilmington, N.C. Oct. 17th 68
Forwards resolution passed at a meeting of the boards of Alderman. held Oct. [[13th??]] in regards to the removal of [[??]] Rutherfords, Officer of the Bureau at that place. (Willmington) |

Oct. 31st 94. |
Dillon Richards
Bureau Officer
Oct. 31st travel to Dr. H.C. Vogell, Supt. of Education
[[??]] break Nov. 4th recommended. [[??]] returned, granted for $10.00.|
Fayetteville N.C., Oct. 29th 1868
Petitions the Bureau on behalf of the Freedman of [[??]] Ridge Harnett Co., for the rental of their church at $10 per month to enable them to hire a teacher +c +c |

Nov. 9th 93 | 
Dodge C.W.
Agent +c.
Nov. 9th 1868. returned to Mgr. Genl Howard with necessary approval. |
Edenton N.C., Nov.++ 1868.
Refers for approval [[??]] Abst. [[??]] July 1868. for subsistence stores issued by him |

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Nov. 10th 
96 |
Dillon Richard
Bureau Officer
Nov.10th Refd to Hd Qrs. Dist. of N.C. for information of the Grl. [[??]] |
Fayetteville N.C. Nov. 7th 1868.
Says that is necessary that the troops now stationed at that Port be retained until after the municipal elections in January next +c +c. |

Nov. 6th
97* |
Dodge [[Chas??]] W.
Filed |
Edenton, N.C., Nov. 4th 1868.
Tenders his resignation as agent of the Bureau.  Certifies that he is not indebted to the U.S. on no account whatever and is not responsible for any Government property +c. |

Nov. 13th
99* | 
Dawes W.J.
A.S.A. Comm.
Filed. |
Yancyville, N.C., Nov. 10th 1868
Recommends the discontinuance of the Office of the A.S.A.C. in Caswell Co.  States that he can do no more with the means at his disposal and asks to be relieved. |

Nov. 16th
100* | 
Doherty Wm. H.
Returned |
Elizabeth City, N.C., Nov. 11th 68.
Forwards his letter to Wm. P. Drew, agent in charge of Claim Division Washington D.C., of Sept. 14th 1868., on behalf of Mark Cartwright, late of Co. "A" "37" US [[??]] who complains that his retained State County is reported as having been paid through Chipman [[Horner??]] + Co Atty. by Genl. Ballock C [[??]] April 5, 1868 which he has never received.  Requests information as to the most expedient way to procure a settlement. Requests that Capt. T.F. Lee - [[??]] furnishes the within mentioned claimant with the the desired information as to his

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