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Nov. 7^th  17.  *  |  Eastmond Oscar. Bureau Officer Filed |  Asheville N.C. Nov. 4" 1868. Asks that the written telegram be immediately attended to. Says that many arrests will have to be made which cannot be made by the Civil Authorities alone; that the excitement is very great and arrests will not be submitted to &c

Nov. 18^th  18  *  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent.  Filed.  |  Asheville N.C. Nov. 16" 1868. Introductory to G.W. Roberts, Esq. of Asheville, who wishes to know how long before the contract for building the Freedmens School House at that place will be paid.&c &c.

Nov. 27^th  19.  |  Eastmond Oscar. Agent. Nov. 27^th forwarded to Gen. Miles Comdg Dist. of N.C. in Communicating [[for?]] Dept. of the South.  [[underline each word/number]] See N. 59. 1868 N.C. 
[[/underline each word/number]] |  Asheville, N.C. Nov. 25. 1868. States that he has learned from Dr. J.B. Weaver, Surgeon Hospital at Asheville that the claim for service of John Wilson as Cook, is a just one and that the services were rendered as Stated. Gives details. 

Sept. 24^th  20.  |  Eaton D.L. Actuary &c. EBp 127-1868, N.C.  |  Washington D.C. Sept 23^d 1868 Acknowledges letter of 19^th of July, enclosing Bonds of Hon. Jn. T. Deweese asking for Books and Blanks for a Branch of the Freedmans Saving & Trust Co. Bank at Charlotte N.C. The Blanks will sent without delay, Asks Mr. Deweese to certify before a Notary what he is worth in real property over and above all debts. Also for $100. Rec. Stamp on Bond

Dec. 5^th  21.  |  Eastmond Oscar. Agent Dec. 5^th referred to Dr. H.C. Vogell Supt. of Ed.  |  Raleigh N.C Dec 5^th 1868. (Hands in) Forwards petition of N. Bowen, who asks that the sum of $15.00 be appropriated by the Bureau for rental of house to, enable

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[[blank]]  |  [[blank]]  |  the Freedmen of the Town of Hendersonville & vicinity to establish a School. 

Dec. 8^th  22.  *  |  Eaton D.L. Actuary Filed.  |  Washington D.C. Dec. 5^th 1868. Acknowledges receipt of letter in reference to the proposed branch of Freedmens Bank at Salisbury & Charlotte N.C. States that the ideal of abandoning these Branches as impracticable is agreeable to him.

Jan. 5. 1868  23  |  Evans Joseph 5" Jan. "69- Ref^d to H.C. Vogell. A.S. of Schools.  9^th Jan. "69. Rec'd back. recommending the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $5- to commence Dec. 1" 1868. 9" Jan. "69. Retd to H.C. Vogell, with authority to pay a monthly rental of $5.00  |  Marlboro. Pitt Co. N.C. Dec. 28" 1868.  States that he is teaching School, at Marlboro, and paying $5.00 a month rent.  Wants to know if there is any appropriation for schools.