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March. 18. 17 * | Foote Jno. M. Lieut A.S.A. Comr. Filed | Plymouth N.C. Mch.13-1868.
Transmits applications for Pensions for the six months ending Mch. 4-1868 of the following persons, Peter Downing Invalid. Chloe. Ann Spruell. Widow.

March 20 18. | Fiske F. A. Rev. Supt. of Education Mch. 20 Retd granted. | Raleigh N.C. March 18-/68
Forwards recommended the letter of R.S. Howard's others who petitions the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $10 00 for Freedmen's school at Halifax N.C. to be paid to Henry Epps. 

March. 21 19 | Fiske F. A. Rev. Supt. of Education Mch. 21. Retd granted | Raleigh. Mch. 18. 1868 Forwards recommended the letter of Thomas Ransom & Others who petition the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $8 00 for school house at Hoover Dist. Lincolnton NC.

March 17 20* | Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. of Education Filed | Returns petition of P. Fisk Bruner which was referred from those Hd Qrs March 10. who petitions the Bureau for aid in making additional repairs on Washington School building Raleigh N.C. and recommends that authority be given to plaster the lower story and erect a Privy at an expense of $225. for the whole. 

April 6 21 | Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. of Education
April 6th Retd. granted. | Raleigh N C Mch 20. 1868
Forwards recommended the letter of Henry Wright who petitions the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $8 00 to be paid to [[S?]]. E. Rathly.

April 6 22* | Foote Jno. M. Lieut A S A Comr Filed | Plymouth N C Mch 28/68 States he has purchased a Coffin for a destitute freedman and requests authority for so doing. 

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April 6. 23 * | Feribee. Rev. Abel. N. and one other Filed | Elizabeth City Mch 10/68 Requests assistance in purchasing teams for to cultivate their farms &c. &c. 

April 7 24 | Flemming J. K. A A Surg April 7. Trans to Genl. Howard. April 11 Recd. Approved & ordered paid Trans. to Col. Thos. P. Johnston. | New Bern Apr. 3. 1868 Encloses a set of supplementary Hd Qrs for Months of December 1867 & January 1868 for rent of Store rooms for Medical & Hospital Property which have been returned to him by C. D. O. &c.

April 8 25 | Fuller. Capt. A. W.  A. S. A. Comr Apr. 8" Refd to Lt. F. A. Page. for the information of Wm Gripton | Rocky Mount. Apr. 4. 1868 States he has found the whereabouts of J. B. Beal who gave his note to Wm Gripton. for 50 00 also states as near he can learn he is worth property and it can be collected He resides in Wash Co N. C.

April 9 26 *| Fuller. Capt. A.W. A. S. A. Comr Filed | Rocky Mnmt. N C. Apr. 6/68 States he has a Clerk which is very use to him and requests that be discharged or relieved, and authority be granted him to hire a Clerk not to exceed $50.00

April 11 27. | Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. of Education
April. 11. Rec'd granted. | Raleigh N. C.  April 4. 1868 Forwards letter recommended of John T. Reynolds who petitions the Bureau to pay a monthly rental of $10. for School building at Pines [?] Grove NC rent to be paid to Anthony Deans and to commence Mch. 1" 1868. No pupils 35.

April 11 28 | Foote Jno M. Lieut A. S. A. Comr
April 11. Refd. to Rev. F A Fiske. May 9 Recd. back. Recommending that the petition be granted
Refd. to F. A. Fiske. Granted. | Plymouth N.C. April 8, 1868 Forwards letter of Putnam Shepard and Others who petition for assistance in building a school house at Jamesville N C. the cost of which will be $150 00, 50 00 of which can be raised.