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Society; member, National Research Council; founder, Cosmos Club, 1884, president, 1907; honorary member, French Alpine Club, 1926; member, Anthropological Society of Berlin, 1903; corresponding member, Academy of Natural Sciences, Bolivia, 1916; honorary fellow, Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1897; corresponding member, National Academy of History, Colombia, S.A.; corresponding member, Anthropologic and Geographic Society, Stockholm, 1903; honorary member, National University, La Plata, Argentina Republic, S.A. 1907. President, Washington Water Color Club, 1920-1928; President, Society of Washington Artists; president, National Society of Fine Arts, 1909; honorary member, Washington Arts Club; member, American Federation of Arts; art editor, "Art and Archaeology," Washington, D.C.; life member, Literary Society of Washington; curator, National Gallery of Art, 1910-1920; director, National Gallery of Art, 1920-1930. Upwards of 200 scientific publications, 1874-1920.