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[[Image - Certification]] We hold these truths to be self evident; That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inaleinable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. —Declaration of Independence. [[image - signing of the Declaration of Independence]] [[image - portrait of Thomas Jefferson]] [[image - Thomas Jefferson on a horse surround by army & cavalry]] This is to certify that ^[[W. H. Holmes]] has contributed to the erection of a Memorial to the Author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson at the National Capital. [[embossed seal]] In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and attached the seal of Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States at the City of Washington, D. C. this ^[[6]] day of ^[[July]] 19^[[03]]. [[underlined]] ^[[W. S. McKean]] [[/underlined]] SECRETARY. ^[[George Dewey]] Admiral of the Navy, PRESIDENT. A.B.GRAHAM PHOTO.LITH WASH.D.C.