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^[[Membership in the [[underlined]] French Alpine Club [[/underlined]] 1926]]


Professor William Henry Holmes, Art Editor of Art and Archaeology, and one of the very foremost figures in American archaeology for many years, was recently the recipient of an additional honor in his election by "enthusiastic, unanimous acclaim" to honorary membership in the French Alpine Club. The Club's President, M. S. Régaud, in his letter of announcement,  says: "The General Assembly of the F. A. C. has desired to honor in your person the man of science who has devoted his entire life to the study of the mountains, of their phenomena and of their beauties M. de Margerie, president of the Commission of Scientific Works of the F. A. C., in recalling all your titles before my colleagues, moved our feelings by the remembrance of all the great and fine things you have accomplished. We have not forgotten the beautiful panorama of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado which appeared in our Annual some fifty years ago."
The minute of the Society recording Prof. Holmes's election is as follows in translation:
General Assembly of Sunday, March 25, 1926
"M. Emm. de Margerie submitted to the Assembly for election as honorary members of the French Alpine Club, the names of Messrs. W. H. Holmes, of Washington (United States), and Maurice Lugeon, of Lausanne (Switzerland).
"The former, in spite of his advanced age - he was born in 1846 - is still at the present time Keeper of the Gallery of the Fine Arts in the Museum of Washington, after a career devoted entirely to art and science; that is to say, in some measure an American Schrader.
"By turns, or rather simultaneously, draughtsman, geologist, explorer, archeologist, he was connected for many years, first with the survey of the Territories, directed by Dr. Hayden, then with the Federal Geological Service and with the Bureau of Ethnology.
"We are indebted to him for magnificent drawings representing the region of the Rocky Mountains under all its aspects. Moreover, he is the principal author of an atlas of the Colorado, published nearly a half century ago, and which remains on of the masterpieces of the cartography of the New World. But his greatest title to glory is in having revealed to the public, in plates of marvellous exactitude, the splendors of the Grand Cañon, unsuspected up to his time. The members of the French Alpine Club have also been able to admire in one of our old Annuals, more than forty years ago, the reproduction of one of his panoramas, due to the ever so faithful talent of Lieut. Col. Prudent.
" ....
"The election of Messrs. Holmes and Lugeon, put to the vote, was adopted by acclamation." 
"(A true copy:
"Emm. De Margerie)"
Gratifying as this honor is to all members of the Archaeological Society of Washington, and to the innumerable friends of the recipient, it is also worth remembering that Professor Holmes is not without honor in his own country. The value of his achievements in geology is attested by the fact that two important mountains in the far west have been named for him.