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[[underlined]] W. H. Holmes, Artist to the Survey of the Territories [[/underlined]]

During the winter and spring I had been engaged in drawing for several of the Smithsonian scientists and in May received my appointment as artist to the U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, salary $1800. I had packed everything in my valise--a slim outfit of clothes and a supply of needles, thread, pins, pencils, paper, paints, etc., and bade goodbye to Professor Meek and the rest on Wednesday evening, May 29. Together with Carrington, Logan and Kiser, I left Dr. Hayden's office on the corner of 11th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue (later the Evening Star building). Having my tickets to purchase I started down the Avenue on foot, employed a negro to carry my valise and reached the depot at 7:30. Mr. Leonidas Hunt [[^ an old school mate]] was there to bid me adieu. Took sleeping car. Crossed [[strikethough]] to [[/strikethrough]] the summit of the Alleghanies at sunrise, a dull, rainy morning, thirtieth of May, Decoration Day. Left Pittsburgh at about ten o'clock, and passing through central Ohio and Indiana, reached Chicago about 7:00 on Friday morning. Spent a few hours seeing this wonderful city, now rising from its ashes. It seems quite possible to see it growing. Took supper in the dining car and passed through Burlington, Iowa. Reached the Missouri at 10:00 A. M. Saturday, and in Omaha we met Taggart, West and Jaycox. Stopped until 11:00 A. M. Sunday at the Wyoming House and completed our outfits at the firm of Wilcox and Company. As we passed