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[[underline]]COLOR OF GREAT FALLS[[/underline]]
^[[upper falls]]

Beautiful festoons shimmer down the sides almost white (foam in shadow). The smoother bellied parts of sheets a tender lilac festooned with white. Between swelling parts green festooned, all colors growing more lilac and gray as they descend. Shadows on mist at base quite dark; that in sun white and exceedingly airy. Mist heavier in body, lilac on edges. At bottom blending with white water which in the sun is ruch and creamy with intercolated portions of greenish. Darker part rich brown green. Showers of water at left white and dark gray under;rock that is wet is very dark. Rocks in foreground may be of any form and any color; often spotted where the mist in shadow passes behind the dark rock in front it becomes quite blue. Festoons of water fine and woolly near brink. Large and stringy farther down at the edges ^[[?]] becoming detached looking like irregular comets. Moss on rocks where spray falls. A tree with reflection on trunk and red and yellow leaves. A thing of infinite beauty.