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Sept. 24th:  Sketched with greatest pressure from sunrise until half past three marvelous buttes and most interesting geology.  Returned to Sedge Pool 12 miles.

Sept. 25th:  Passed through forest and parks to Thompson's Springs, to Milk Springs and afterwards with two men and a cook hurried on to Point Sublime.  Arrive before sunset and had a glance at the grandest, the most extraordinary panoramas in the wide world.  

Sept. 26th, 27th &28th: Sketched from sunrise to sunset except while at meals and until nine o'clock the morning after.

Sept. 29th:  Returned to the park.

Sept. 30th: Whole party set out for camp.  Camped at Big Spring.  The aspens are finer than ever.  The leaves are like gold and play about the white branches and trunks like the golden head dress of a Trojan queen about her shoulders.  

Oct. 1st:  Marched across country to within 15 miles of Kanab.

Oct. 2nd: Did some geological work.  Discovered a large ruined pueblo on a low butte by the Mormon meadow.  Much pottery of great variety, arrow points, standing stones and piles of debris.

Oct. 3rd:  Revisited the ruined pueblo.

Oct. 4th-8th: In camp in the Kanab region.

Oct. 9th: Crossed Short Creek to camp in a grove under southeast base of a long, toothed, butte.  Climbed to the saddle and had a glorious view of a glorious sunset on the Temple of the Virgin and the scarred cliffs and lofty domes about Little Zion Valley.

Oct. 10th: Had a chilly day's sketching the panorama across