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Mexico, 3/29, 1886.


Dear Mr. Holmes:

I have said "yes" to Prof. Baird's proposition but cannot cross the Rio Grande until May 10th or 11th. Father Fischer is very much out of humor because I offered to take $1250.00 but I would rather get that from the Smithsonian than hold on the hopes of getting twice that sum from private party, later.

Thanks for the Science and your article on the Monoliths of Teotihuacan. I took a quiet pleasure in showing Barcena and Sandrez how they had permitted a disciple of "original research" to have the honor of throwing some clear light on the "[[overwritten]] p [[/overwritten]] fainting stone" question. After reading your article no sensible man will have any doubts on the matter. I was out to the Pyramids last week, to see what Batres is doing. He is a fraud - has done nothing but manage to get himself interviewed about twice a week. He is not only a fraud but a swindler. The only rock crystal skull of any value is the one I got in the Fischer Collection. Well, Frenchman named Boban - who has a private museum, here - and is a member of various French Societies and seems to be very intelligent, al-