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Arts & Decoration,
^[[5]] Judd Magazines, Inc.
50 West, 47th Street, New York City N.Y.
November 19th, 1923

Jacques Seligmann,
57 rue St.Dominique,
Paris, France.

Dear Sir:

It is a small amount, only $7.00 and it doesn't mean much to you, but when it is multiplied by a few hundred forgetful friends if becomes mighty important to us.

We have every confidence in you or we should not be sending you the magazine each month.

Keep this letter in your hand till you open your check book.  We will both feel more comfortable about it when it is paid;

You will send up the check at once?  Thank you.

Very truly Yours,

O.A. Smith
Subscription Manager.

For Subscription to
Arts & Decoration
from Oct.L923 to Sept 1924
Foreign postage

[underline] 1.00 [/underline]
