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[[preprinted]] 182 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] May 13, '97 [[/underlined]]

Comparison of plates 7899 3 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]Beta Gruis and 7972 3 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]Alpha Orionis.

7899 is a poorer plate, but it shows the near bright band decidedly stronger than alpha Orionis. The absorption edges decidedly brighter, and almost a total obliteration of trees towards redwood. Some of this obliteration may be due to poor focus.
On 7899, there seems to be another absorption edge, having longer Lambda 5.2 mill. from 4762 towards red end,

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[[preprinted]] 183 [[/preprinted]]

May 13, 97

Comp. of plates 4533 Alpha Orionis and 3982 Gamma Crucis.

Distribution of light about the same. The brightness of bands [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] I, II, III and I-II about the same 4227,0 on 3982 = 3 times its strength on 4533.
H lines on 4533 are 2-3 times as strong as on 3982.
H Beta is not seen distinctly on 3982. This is the best plate to take for Gamma Crucis in one prism since 6369, although it gives sharper lines yet is under-exposed so it makes the contrasts too great.