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[[preprinted]] 24 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Oct. 27. '96 [[/underlined]]

Plate 4 5058 z [[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]] Scorpii not marked as bright line star, but F is seen plainly bright, G has bright edge of longer wave length, with a dark line of still longer wave-length.
The first line visible with longer wave-length than h also seems [[strikethrough]] dark [[/strikethrough]] bright in the centre, may be a defect in the plate.
There is also a band between F & G which has the same appearance as G as described above
The dark part of this band towards the violet end of spectrum is concident with [[insertion]] ^ the  [[/insertion]] Orion line towards F  (About 447?)
The first line visible with longer wave-length than F looks to me bright, especially without the magnifying glass. It seems to be bright edged on side of greatest wave-length.
The 2 groups of lines between F & G are composed of [[insertion]] 2 lines the 2 of each group with longest wave length being [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] lines [[/strikethrough]] distinctly double. 

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[[preprinted]] 25 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Oct.29. '96 [[/underlined]]
Plate 4 6463 z [[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]] Scorpii

F bright
Orion line of shorter wave-length than F faintly bright
G consists of a bright thin line superposed on dark broad line
Between F & G there are the same two conspicious groups of two lines each, but the one in each group of longest wave-length looks hazy, instead of double. It may come from a difference in the plates.

Plate 4 5753
The spectrum is to faint that I can not tell whether these lines are doubles or not.
There does not seem to be any indication of it.

Plate 4 6325
Spectrum poor towards F.
Do not see those lines double.

Plate 4 4400
Those lines are double.
G line quite bright and the nearest one of shorter wave length than G looks bright.