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Oct 29, '96

gamma [[superscript]] 1 Scorpii (cont.)
Plate chi 5753
Spectrum faint. The lines before described do not look double.

Plate chi 4985.  Good spectrum. Lines clearly double. Orion line of longer wave length than F seem bright.

I found a ^[[spectrum]] plate of rho Cygni and compared it with this star. It seems to be nearer like rho Cygni than any I have yet seen.

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[[underline]] Nov. 2. '96 [[/underline]]

A re-classification of G plates

Class I  Hydrogen line ^[[or lines]] somewhat prominent.
Plate chi 4514 delta Volantis
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7245 " "[[ditto for delta Volantis]]
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5166
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4431

Class II  alpha Aurigae and alpha Centauri typical ^[[stars]]
Nearly uniform density from F to H.
Plate chi 4534 alpha Aurigae
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5760 alpha Centauri
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 3983 " "[[ditto for alpha Centauri]] 
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7418 " "[[ditto for alpha Centauri]]
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4937 zeta Pavonis ? poor plate faint tow. K.
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4021
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4111
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5170 epsilon Eridani
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4858
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5111
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4873 ? III ?
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4875
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4509
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4473
" "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 3959
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