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[[preprinted]] 30 [[/preprinted]] [[underlined]] Nov. 4. 96 [[/underlined]] Class IV (cont.) Plate chi 5200 Class X. Composite ? Plate 4593 epsilon Carinae, seems to be peculiar. Calcium K is faint & hazy. Hydrogen lines are distinct, G & h seem to be double. H wide and hazy. Can there be two stars, one cl. G and cl. A, superposed, so that K is almost blotted out and hydrogen lines are made brighter or double? Look up plate 3992. the only one given in catalogue for epsilon Carinae besides this. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 31 [[/preprinted]] [[underlined]] Nov. 5. '96 [[/underlined]] Class IV Plate chi 5075 " " [[dittos for Plate chi]] 5080 " " [[dittos for Plate chi]] 4155 (typical star of this class?) Composite. chi 4593 epsilon Carinae Found one line ^[[certainly]] corresponding to an Orion line, another possibly. Too dark for further work to-day.