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[[preprinted]] 40 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Nov 14, 96 [[/underline]] Class I Plate chi 5325 beta Hydrae Hydrogen lines conspicuous, hazy line of [[strikethrough]] shorter [[/strikethrough]] longer wavelength than H. Plate chi 5932 beta Hydrae " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7719 " "[[ditto for beta Hydrae]] " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7653 " "[[ditto for beta Hydrae]] I find two sets of marks on this plate. Is it a double? Plate chi 4450 H gamma double? [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 41 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Nov 17, 96 [[/underline]] Class I Plate chi 5649 alpha Lucanae H gamma double I find this spectrum matches up well with alpha Tauri, so I am mistaken in placing it in Class I. It should go in with a much later division. Class II Plate chi 4483. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4736 alpha Centauri? Seems to have a peculiar ^[[double]] line for L & H, somewhat similar to line in Sigma Carihae. but this plate is scratched [[strikethrough]] and this posit [/strikethrough]] and I can not readily match. Plate 5599 is not in box, and that is the only other plate of alpha Centauri. Class III Plate chi 4806 ? Epsilon Triang. Aust. H lines are dim, but no distinct bands are visible. Plate not very good. Plate chi 4813 ? Faint, looks like a [[strikethrough]] polaris [[/strikethrough]] Class II G star except the H lines are dim, so I put it in this class though there is not much shading shown.