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[[preprinted]] 48 [[/preprinted]] Nov. 20. 96 Class IV. Plate chi 4012 " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 3986 alpha Bootis Class III. Plate chi 4853 theta Cor. Aust. There is another [[strikethrough]] star [[/strikethrough]] spectrum on this plate of Class H or A-F in which the hydrogen lines look hazy. K line distinct. I will look for other plates. Plate chi 7118 theta Cor. Aust. H gamma double? H beta seems to have a clear ^[[dark]] line on a hazy one. The same haziness as seen in A star. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5922 " "[[ditto for theta Cor. Aust.]] Bright lines? Same haziness in A star. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5586 " "[[ditto for theta Cor. Aust.]] Bright lines? Same haziness in A star. K line double? ^[[Haziness]] very prominent in A star. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 49 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Nov.21, '96 [[/underline]] Class II. Plate chi 5018 (1) omega Sag. Bright lines bet. F & Hgamma? " " "[[ditto for Plate chi 5018]] (2) [[strikethrough]] beta [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] Sag. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5781 Spectrum faint, but there is appearance of one or two bright lines in (1) bet. F & H gamma. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4753 The bright lines do not show. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 6868 The "br. lines" seem to be spaces bet. Aach lines. Class V Plate chi 5018 (3) beta Sag. [[crossout]] T [[/crossout]] " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5823 (3) " "[[ditto for beta Sag.]] seems peculiarly shaded " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4825 H delta seems wide " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7688. Is H gamma always double or wide dispersion. What is hazy line of shorter w'length than F? " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7673 ? Two stars or motion? Class II Plate chi 5823 omega Sag. few lines visible Class IV Plate chi 7677 Class VI Plate chi 5051 The break is not quite so decided as in alpha Tauri. Class III. Plate chi 4537.