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[[preprinted]] 50 [[/preprinted]] Nov. 21, '96 Class [[strikethrough]] IV [[/strikethrough]] V Plate chi 4507 (1) What is dark narrow streak of long w'length than H delta? On this plate I also observe a star -(2) with F line bright, H gamma either double or having a narrow bright line superposed on a dark wide line, and two or three bright streaks between F and H gamma. Later, on looking it up down stairs, I see it is known as having F line bright, but I do not see other peculiarities mentioned. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 51 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Nov. 23. '96 [[/underline]] Class V. Plate chi 4540 " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4432 " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4506 (1) " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5087 - Sag [[strikethrough]] hardly anything visible beyond H gamma [[/strikethrough]] faint at both ends. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5086 [[same comment as 5087]] " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 4462 ? Class IV. Plate chi 7684 F seems rather distinct " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7693 C [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]] Aquarii. Look up other plates. " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5098 " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7091 " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 7301 " "[[ditto for Plate chi]] 5584 " "[[ditto for Plate xchii]] 5023 H [[symbol ~@]] has appearance of brightness on side of greatest w'length. Class VI. Plate chi 4851 Bright streaks marked on plate? Class II. Plate chi 5024