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[[preprinted]] 60 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Dec 9, '96 [[/underline]] [[left margin]] This classification was changed later [[/left margin]] A list of the plates I put in a box marked [[underline]] G[[/underline]] stars Class I. H lines noticeably distinct 4514 delta Volantis 4292 zeta Cap. 4997 " "[[ditto for zeta Cap.]] 7168 " "[[ditto for zeta Cap.]] Line of shorter w'lgth than H delta is much more conspicuous than H delta 5033 " "[[ditto for zeta Cap.]] zeta & beta both on plate. Plate marked beta Ca. 4500 beta Doradus 4481 " "[[ditto for beta Doradus]] poor plate 5166 zeta Tucanae 7239 " "[[ditto for zeta Tucanae]] 7245 delta Volantis 4766 nu [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]] Centauri 4107 4780 gamma Cor, Aust. [[strikethrough]] 5138 C [[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]] Aquarii [[/strikethrough]] (Rather among F stars) [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 61 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Dec. 12, '96 [[/underline]] For star with many Orion lines see plate 5637 lambda Pavonis also " 5708 delta Scorpii