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[[underline]] Feb. 15, '97 [[/underline]]

An examination of all the A & B stars, I have in the boxes to see if I can find the zeta Puppis lines.

Plate chi 7175  pi Can. Maj. 6 [[superscript]] h [[/superscript]] 51 [[superscript]] m [[/superscript]] .3
Star marked (1) may have zeta Puppis lines but it is uncertain because the lines are rather blurred and indistinct. Look up other plates.

Dec. 9, 1897. These are color lines.

Box 6001-7800 B stars
Plate chi 6471 mu Crucis
Star marked (2) has zeta Puppis lines and resembles 20 Can. Maj. except [[strikethrough]] it is [[/strikethrough]] bright bands are lacking.

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[[underline]] Feb. 16, '97 [[/underline

mu Crucis.  double
Fainter component has F line bright.
Other hydrogen lines wide.
Mrs. Fleming measured the H lines of both components and the apparent Orion lines of the brighter component. I drew a curve with wave length of H lines as abscissa, and measures as coordinates. The observed measures of the other line (called b or above apparent Orion lines.) were thin [[strikethrough]] read off [[/strikethrough]] put in as coordinates and the wave lengths read off as follows.
From table of Orion lines
4388.0 | 4387.8
4145.0 | 4144.0
4012.0 | 4009.5
3927.0 | 3927.1

The [[underline]] b [[/underline]] measure near H beat was not used as I had no wave length of H alpha given, and could not draw the curve at this point.