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[[preprinted]] 96 [[/preprinted]] [[underlined]] Feb. 17, '97 [[/underlined]] Further examination of B plates for zeta Puppis lines. Plate 44069. Star iota Orionis has zeta Puppis lines. Note was put on this cover in December. [[?]] Two boxes of A plates examined. No star found having the new set of lines. 44984 beta Tucanae. double star, and has a peculiar look. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 97 [[/preprinted]] [[underlined]] Feb. 18, '97 [[/underlined]] chi 4984 superposed on other plates of beta Tucanae. In 4984, the fainter set of H lines is towards red end of spectrum. In other plates, the fainter set is towards violet. Feb. 27. Mrs. Fleming says this reversion is due to a change of the prism. chi 5101 gamma Circini. Star on edge of plate shows zeta Puppis lines between H gamma & H delta, H delta & H epsilon. The spectrum is cut off at H gamma. This star does not appear on chi 4883 and chi 6401, image too poor on chi 4768, image not on chi 5622. These are all the plates given in ledger of gamma Circini.