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[[preprinted]] 100 [[/preprinted]] Feb. 20, '97 Under beta Corvi. delta [[subscript]] [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 1 [[/subscript]] Gruis chi 5824 See also p. 112. chi 4971 Under epsilon Triang. Aust. {H Scorpii chi 7450 {chi 5094 {can not find 5070 (Ival.5) {A Cap. chi 4782 {chi 5135 {chi 5106 {Where are plates 6860, 6944, 7113, 7454? {From the plates I have, it is uncertain whether star should go here or under alpha Tauri. {epsilon Leporis chi 6195 chi 5151 G band not quite but nearly as much broken up as in alpha Tauri. {Find chi8186 (two prisms) -Ceti 1 [[superscript]] h [[/superscript]] 52 [[superscript]] m [[/superscript]] chi 7144 chi 5159 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 101 [[/preprinted]] Feb. 20, '97 Under alpha Bootis [[strikethrough]] c Centauri chi 4893 chi 5642 [[/strikethrough]] Further comparison puts c Cent. under epsilon Triang. Aust. mu Pav. chi 5777 Under epsilon Triang. Aus. c Centauri chi 4893 chi 5642 The G band is seen to be almost divided.