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[[preprinted]] 102 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Feb. 22, '97 [[/underline]] Under alpha Bootis iota Sag. chi 5638 4967 The last box of A plates inspected for new Hydrogen lines but nothing found. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 103 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Feb. 24, '97 [[/underline]] Under alpha Bootis zeta Sag. chi 5786 omicron Sag. chi 4956 Under epsilon Triang. Aust. C [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] Centauri chi 6575 Approaching alpha Tauri lambda Vel. chi 6208 Peculiar? This is the only plate I can now find. chi 4227 is wide & shading in bands. Feb. 27. chi 3955, chi 3962, chi 4061 found and seem also to place star in this group. Under alpha Tauri epsilon Indi chi 6871 G band not quite broken chi 4920 " "[[ditto for G band]] broken but spectrum does not map towards red end like alpha Tauri. From these two places, its [[strikethrough]] class [[/strikethrough]] group does not seem clearly defined. Perhaps it is nearer preceding group.