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[[preprinted]] 114 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Mch. 3, '97 [[/underline]] Under alpha Bootis zeta Phoen ? chi 5973 poor plate. Where are the others? alpha Chamaelion chi 6145 gamma Pict. chi 6179 chi 7305 epsilon Col. chi 6187 nu Octans chi 6690 b Aquarii chi 6853 [[underline]] Under beta Corvi [[/underline]] A Car. chi 6135 gamma Hydrae chi 6379 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] The only plate [[/strikethrough]] chi 6513 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] [[left margin]] Marked absorp. line with strong H lines [[/left margin]] alpha Vel. chi 6423 Do not see other plates. lambda 4227 looks as strong as in alpha Phoen. but H lines are more marked. [[underline]] Under epsilon Triang. Aust. [[/underline]] h [[subscript]]1 [[/subscript]] Puppis chi 6190 Where is chi 5354? chi 7321 { chi 7422 {Poor delta Muscae chi 6448 epsilon [[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]] Arae chi 6453 good plate [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 115 [[/preprinted]] Mch. 3, 97 [[underline]] Under alpha Tauri [[/underline]] delta Can. Maj. chi 6233 epsilon Corvi chi 6668 Shading slightly diff. twr. red chi 6611 lambda 4227 not quite as strong as in alpha Tauri? [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Under beta Corvi [[/underline]] alpha Puppis chi 6257 (The one other plate given is [[??]] 1) The H lines seem like beta Corvi but lambda 4227 more like alpha Phoen. [[/strikethrough]] Under zeta Cap. xi Vel. chi 6339 { chi 7414 {From these plates chi Vel. seems nearer zeta Cap. than any other. Where is chi 4716