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Mch. 6, '97

chi 6984 b Cap.
zeta Cap also on plate. The F and G Hydrogen lines look as strong as in alpha Aurigae.

chi 6985 kappa Pav.
Can not see lines to classify.
chi 6532 Do not see plate.
chi 7768 Under alpha Aurigae? or before?

pi Puppis chi 7215 Peculiar?
H gamma looks stronger than line bet. it and G. While lambda 4227 is as wide as in alpha Tauri.

ksi Puppis chi 7238 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] See notes pp. 37 & 43.  xi 4505 1 [[superscript]] ? [[/superscript]]
H lines look stronger than in beta Leporis. The zeta Cap. line (near H gamma ^[[and]] of shorter w'lgth) is stronger than H gamma.

lambda 4227 stronger than in zeta and absorption greater. I find on superposing this plate on zeta Cap. that they are ^[[much]] alike. lambda 4227 on this plate seems stronger than in zeta.

This star looks more peculiar than zeta Cap. H lines are stronger. Absorption greater. lambda 4227 stronger.

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Mch. 6, '97

Under epsilon Triang. Aust.
epsilon [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] Arae [[chi 706 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 3 also chi 7065]] lambda 4227 is as strong if not stronger than in alpha Tauri. The G band is partly broken bot not so clearly divided as in alpha Tauri. See also p. 156
This may be due to poor definition. Spectrum does not extend into red like alpha Tauri. This may be due to short exposure or fainter star. Should this star go under alpha Tauri?

iota Retic. chi 7173 ? Faint, short spectrum
chi 7250 Look up earlier plates

beta Reticulis chi 7232