Viewing page 62 of 112

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[[preprinted]] 120 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Mch 8. 97 [[/underlined]]
Under alpha Bootis
- Doradus chi 6188, chi 7189

(Plate chi 5662 theta Pis. Aust. poor spectrum. Where are others)

(chi 7319 zeta Tucanae cluster. Can not classify.)

Under alpha Tauri
sigma Puppis chi 4519
This star was classed on p. 108 as under epsilon Triang. Aust. It was a mistake. The focus is not perfectly adjusted but the G band is broken up.

chi 4154 delta Muscae.
G band not seen exactly divided but that may be poor focus. Look up plates already used.

chi 4119 epsilon Corvi.
iota Librae chi 4218. G band divided.

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[[preprinted]] 121 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Mch. 16. 97 [[/underlined]]
Under beta Corvi.
chi Eridani chi 5705

delta Triang. Aust.
chi 6615 Exactly like beta Corvi.
chi 4885
This [[strikethrough]] pl. [[/strikethrough]] star was classed under alpha Aurigae from plate 5606. While on this plate and on 4885, the H lines seem to have the intensity of alpha Aurigae's, there seems to be too decided banding & too much absorption in violet. From 6615, it is certainly like beta Corvi.