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[[preprinted]] 122 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] March 17, 97 [[/underline]]

There is no two prism plate of alpha Aurigae and as I find few stars exactly like it. I shall not use it as a comp. star. I shall take beta Leporis as the typical star of the first G group. It shows slight banding, some absorption in violet on plate ^[[6151]] the violet end is shown though faint.
H gamma stronger than 4326.0
4227 about equal to H beta

Under beta Leporis
  delta Pavonis chi 5767 ([[??]]. The differences on all this 1 prism plates seem due to changes of focus.
  Plate 7604 ( 2 prism) Matches up almost exactly with 8028 two prism of beta Leporis. 7614 has however more absorption in violet.
  delta Triang. Aust. chi 6615 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] (no two prism plate)
      5606 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]
      4885 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]
See p. 121
[[strikethrough]] some respects this star is nearer alpha Aurigae. [[/strikethrough]]

  beta Pyxidis 5365 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] faint 1st type star on plate.
               6366 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] 
  Plates show absorption in violet but they are thin and allowance is made for that they seem like delta Pav.

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[[preprinted]] 123 [[/preprinted]]

Mch 17, 97

Under beta Leporis & delta Pav.
beta Phoen.  4535 1  5398 1 [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] 5957 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] 6890 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] 6903 1 [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] 4333 1 7805 2 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]
In 7805, there is more absorption and the star seems to be [[strikethrough]] somewhat [[/strikethrough]] intermediate if I make such a division. 6903, however, shows it to be very nearly like beta Lep. See p. 131 for discussion of beta Phoen.

[[underline]] Under alpha Phoen. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]]
A.G.C. 965 visible on plate 4535 and very faint on 6903.

(Under beta Lep & delta Pav.) Rather under alpha Aurigae a little before these two stars.
mu [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] Grucis A.G.C 30405. Same plate nos. as mu [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] Grucis.

Under alpha Aurigae
A.G.C. 30^[[3]]78
chi 6951
5087 (barely visible)
5005 (faint)
This spectrum is too poor to classify in certainty. It is either under this or intermediate.