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[[preprinted]] 6 [[/preprinted]]
Oct. 12, 1897.

X 5442 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] alpha Eridani
  Spectrum too dense.
  Three exposures.

X 5449 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] I Puppis
  K = H = 3H delta
  Very narrow.

[[margin]] A.G.C. 9880 & A.G.C. 9881 [[/margin]]
X 5450 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] kappa [[/strikethrough]] k Puppis
  Two spectra superposed. Both are probably B to A.
  K line is not seen on either spectrum.
  4026.4 is seen in both

[[margin]] A.G.C. 9900 [[/margin]]
Too poor  B9A?

[[margin]] "  " 9902 [[/margin]]
Too poor.  B3A?

[[margin]] A.G.C. 10001 [[/margin]]
Like alpha Bootis?  Poor, on edge of plate

[[margin]] " " 9755 [[/margin]]
" " " " " " 

[[margin]] " " 9787 [[/margin]]
 K = 1/3H = 1/3 H delta  A2F.

[[margin]] " " 9752 [[/margin]]
K = 1/10 H delta  A
[[strikethrough]] This is the only plate of k Puppis. A.G.C. 9755 and 10001 seem good enough to use. [[/strikethrough]]
See Bk IV p. 7.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 7 [[/preprinted]]
Oct. 12, 1897

[[margin]] A.G.C. 10678 [[/margin]]
X 6174 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] D Carinae
  Line bet. 4144.0 and 4120.5 is thought to be seen
  Marked double on chart.
[[margin]] " " 1077 [[strikethrough]] 1 ]]/strikethrough]] 9 (mag. 6 3/4) A.G.C. 10771 (7 3/4) Latter is marked "red" in A.G.C. so its spectrum is probably not seen. [[/margin]]
The lines are broad, but the spectrum is too poor and too near the edge to detect any doublng in the lines.
  Sp. of A.G.C. 10779 is B3A.

[[margin]] " " 10897 [[/margin]]
  K line not seen
  4026.4 is the only line visible except the hydrogen series.

[[margin]] "  " 10565 [[/margin]]
K barely glimpsed?
4026.4 seen.
Nothing else visible except the hydrogen lines.

These two last spectra are poor, but they are probably like gamma Gruis.