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[[preprinted]] 26 [[/preprinted]]
April 20, 1898

X 8622 2 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] Gamma Arae
Gamma Line's very broad 
4712.8 is double
4387 appears double
Spectroscopic binary ?

[[checkmark]] Beta = K2M

X 6504 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] Gamma Arae 
Lines double?
4089 is barely seen 

The shorter wave-length side of 4120 is strongly dark. It seems as if the line 4089 is here fainter than 4116. 

Beta Arae = K2M
[[margin]]A.G.C.23459[[/margin]] Too faint

[[margin]] "23656 [[/margin]] Probably B8A.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 27 [[/preprinted]]
April 20, 1898

X7859 2 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] Gamma & Beta Arae
Gamma Arae
4641 > 4649.

4089 is fainter than the triple line near by seen as one broad hazy line 

X6657 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] Gamma Arae

X 6655 alpha Apodis is superposed

Gamma Arae lines broad, and ill-defined
Lines4415-17 seems to be particularly intense.

[[margin]]  A. G. C. 23459 [[/margin]] Sp. K.

X 6655
Alpha Apodis