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Saturday, June 3, 1899.
Reduction of measure of lines in the spectrum of gamma Velorum in C.S.M. 17, pp. 26-29.
For means of measure, see paper copy.
Formula for lines from H beta towards violet

c= -96858    log d= 3.45586 n
x = dist firm 4861.5 reading 78405

Measures | 78504 | 78770 | 80565 | 81166 | 84203
x | -99 | -365 | -2160 | -2761 | -5798
log x | 1.99564n | 2.56229n | 3.33445n | 3.44107n | 3.76328n
x+c | -96957 | -97223 | -99018 | -99619 | -102656
log xd | 5.45150 | 6.01815 | 6.79031 | 6.89693 | 7.21914
log y | 0.46492n | 1.03038n | 1.79460n | 1.89859n | 2.20776n
y | -2.92 | -10.7 | -62.3 | -79.2 | -161.4
  | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5
4861.5 + y | 4858.6 | 4850.8 | 4799.2 | 4782.3 | 4700.1

  | 8r | 8v | 9r | 9v | 10r Bright band 4688

Computation made by M.C.S. June 7, 1899.

"[[ditto for Computation]] checked "[[ditto for by]] I.E.W. "[[ditto for June]] 13, "[[ditto for 1899.

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84894 | 85368 | 86479 | 86617 | 8771 | 90181 | 90624
-6489 | -6963 | -8074 | -8212 | -8366 | -11776 | -12219
3.81218n | 3.84280n | 3.90709n | 3.91445 | 3.92252n | 4.07100n | 4.08704n
-103347 | -103821 | -104932 | -105070 | -105224 | -108624 | -109077
7.26804 | 7.29866 | 7.36295 | 7.37031 | 7.37838 | 7.52686 | 7.54290
5.01430n | 5.01629n | 5.02091n | 5.02148n | 5.02211n | 5.03593n | 5.03773n
2.25374n | 2.28237n | 2.34204n | 2.34883n | 2.35627n | 2.49093n | 2.50517n
4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5
46821.1 | 4669.9 | 4641.7 | 4638.2 | 4634.4 | 4551.8 | 4541.5

10v Bright band 4688 | 11r Bright band 4633 | 11v bright band 4633 | 12r|12v | 14 Br. band outside of gr. lambda of 4543.6 | 15 4543.6