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[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]]

Sept. 6, 1905

C 15872
DC 9782
Too poor. Probably A.
C 15874 DC 8488=H.P. 3226. 
Very poor focus. 
[[strikethrough]] Probably [[/strikethrough]] B5A or B3H.

[[strikethrough]] C 15849 DC 9038
H beta bright. Edges dark [[/strikethrough]]

Entered here first by mistake. 

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[[underlined]] September 8, 1905 [[/underlined]]

C 15879 DC9038
H beta bright. Edges dark. 
See if this is known. 
Line 3944 as strong as in B2A sp. Other fine lines of Class B2A are not seen but this may be due to the faintness of the star or to focus.

(2) DC 9076 = H.P. 3529 [[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] A
(3) DC 9073 Probably A2F. Focus very poor.

C 15881 upsilon & rho Sag.
upsilon. The faint phase of the hydrogen lines very sharp.
rho.  F
DC 8684 = H.P. 3322
Sp. K  very faint.