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[[preprinted]] 54 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] Nov. 30, 1906 [[/underline]]

Several days ago while comparing multiple image plate AC [[strikethrough]] 362 [[/strikethrough]] 952 with AC 2727, I noticed a bright object in the latter ^[[but]] much fainter in the former plate. It appeared to identify as +9 degrees 3707. See p. 42. On looking up some I plates, I found the object marked by Mrs. F. Sp. Md? Var.?
Looked up by Miss Wells, but not enough evidence of var. found.

On further examination of AC 2727, the object is seen to be different in shape from the other stars.

Another ^[[bright]] object south following this, is also seen ^[[on C 2727]]. This object is the same shape as the other stars but turned a different angle. Can it be an asteroid?
This object is not visible on AM 1493, taken Aug. 9, 1902, two days later than AC 2727 and therefore is
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[[preprinted]] 55 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] December 5, 1906 [[/underline]]

Additional plates of +28 degrees 54

AM 50

AC 8022

AC 8008