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[[preprinted]] 56 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] February 1, 1907 [[underline]] AC 5795 superposed on position from AC 5624 1. Probably defect 2. '' '' 3. '' '' 4. Certainly variable Approximate position 1 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 1^h 27.9 + 57 2 (1855) Fainter on AC 5795. Known RW Cass. 013057 5. Defect in transparency. 6. '' '' '' 7 8. Brighter on transparency; Comes exactly in place of a star but may be a defect. Defect. 9 Defect? 10 '' ? 11 Defect [[end page]] [[new page]] [[preprinted]] 57 [[/preprinted]] February 6, 1906 Cont of Plate AC 5795 12. Defect in transparency 13. " " negative 14. " " positive 15. " " " 16. Bright in positive. Defect not in AC 5622 17. " " " " " " " 18. Defect on positive 19. " " " 20. " " " 21. " " " 22. " " " 23. " " " 24. " " " 25. " " " 26. " " "