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[[preprinted]] 10 [[/preprinted]] Nov. 6, 1906 [[checkmark]] I 13112 8.8 [[checkmark]] I 13079 Too poor [[checkmark]] I 12393 Too poor. [[checkmark]] I 12176 9.7 [[checkmark]] I 12133 9.7 [[checkmark]] I 12031 9.8 [[checkmark]] I 12064 9.6 [[checkmark]] I 12020 9.3 image of d elongated [[checkmark]] I 11934 9.8 [[checkmark]] I 11809 9.5 dense images [[checkmark]] I 11749 9.7 [[checkmark]] I 11765 9.7? very dense [[checkmark]] I 11513 9.4 [[checkmark]] I 11458 Too poor [[checkmark]] I 10552 9.6? Too dense [[checkmark]] I 10630 (2 ^[[bright]] images) (1) 9.7 (2) 9.6 [[checkmark]] I 10441 8.9 [[checkmark]] I 10359 9.8 Images elongated [[end page]] [[new page]] [[preprinted]] 11 [[/preprinted]] Nov. 6, 1906 [[checkmark]] I 9561 9.7 [[checkmark]] AC 4321 9.7 [[checkmark]] AC 2045 9.8